EXPLORE environments filled with adventure, then alter them? DISCOVER secrets and treasures, then play with them? CREATE your own models, then make a world your own? In LEGO® Worlds, it’s up to you. Ballon Trader (NPC Unknown) -> Ballon Trader (Weapon Unknown) -> The Pet will have Pumpkin Head - 50.000 Lego to unlock. What is Lego Worlds, and what can you do in it? In a galaxy of procedural worlds made entirely from LEGO bricks, will you. Updated 20:52, News The dragon-like fish found in Norwegian waters by Roman Fedortsov (Image: Jam Press/Roman Fedortsov) A fisherman has found a dragon-like fish off the coast of Troms in Norway, adding to the collection of weird creatures he has pulled from the depths.

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